First Post - u can't handle ppl who dig deep in all topics

A friend to me told me "u can't handle ppl who dig deep in all topics.."

Now this statement is the premise of this blog. I will post about topics I like and I come across in my life. 
I will dig deep into those topics and present it in a way that will be useful/helpful to others.

I'm not sure how deep I can dig into :) I'm hoping my posts will help others.

What does this post signify? You might perhaps think its quite selfish.

Spread love and happiness.

How???  I see that statement as a positive one. That statement has love and grace to help me start a new blog, has given me a new perspective. A new beginning! I accept it truly.

We co-exist in this world. I exist now with the help of many other's (including strangers) love and hardwork.

A short motive but significant. In this moment, in this present now - lets spread love and do whatever that helps others.

It's a start.

A big thanks to my friend and this blog is inspired from her comment.
